
Used With Permission From The Wichita County Archive
Aerial Photograph Of Call Field, Untitled, Circa 1918. Used With Permission From The Wichita County Archive



We give special thanks to John W. Zimmerman, Kim Ward, Paul Bata, Cortny Bates, and Lita Watson. Mr. Zimmerman’s enthusiasm and knowledge of local history led Laura and I to important sources we would have not otherwise uncovered. Ms. Ward also graciously shared her knowledge of Call Field and where to obtain additional research.  Mr. Paul Bata allowed us to use his data and map regarding Call Field’s buildings. Ms. Cortny Bates permitted us to digitize the Call Field Engineer and Call Field Stabilizer. Ms. Lita Watson contributed to our research success by granting us access to the Wichita County Archives and to the records so essential to our project. In addition, Laura and I thank Dr. Leland Turner for his continual advice and support.



Primary Sources

Call Field Engineer

Engineering Department of the U.S Aviation School at Call Field, The Call Field Engineer, Wichita Falls, Texas, 15 July 1918.

Engineering Department of the U.S Aviation School at Call Field, The Call Field Engineer, Wichita Falls, Texas, 15 August 1918.

Call Field Stabilizer

U.S Aviation School at Call Field, The Call Field Stabilizer, Wichita Falls, Texas, 15 September 1918.

U.S. Aviation School at Call Field, The Call Field Stabilizer, Wichita Falls, Texas, 15 October, 1918.

U.S. Aviation School at Call Field, The Call Field Stabilizer, Wichita Falls, Texas, 15 November 1918.

U.S Aviation School at Call Field, The Call Field Stabilizer, Wichita Falls, Texas, 15 December 1918.

Chamber Of Commerce Minutes

Chamber of Commerce, (Wichita Falls). Minutes of Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, 23 August 1917.

Chamber of Commerce, (Wichita Falls). Minutes of Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, 21 January 1918.

Chamber of Commerce, (Wichita Falls). Minutes of Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, 12 February 1918.

Chamber of Commerce, (Wichita Falls). Minutes of Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, 5 March 1919.

Chamber of Commerce, (Wichita Falls). Minutes of Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, 27 August 1918.

Chamber of Commerce, (Wichita Falls). Minutes of Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, 3 December 1918.

Chamber of Commerce, (Wichita Falls). Minutes of Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, 10 December 1918.

Phone Conversations

Phone conversation with a record keeper, Texas Department of Vital Statistics, March 19, 2015.

Phone conversation with a clerk, United Regional Health Care System, March 19 2015

Secondary Sources


Benton, Minnie K, Boomtown. Quanah: Nortex Offset Publications, 1972.

Crowder, Dorothy, Tales Of The Red River Valley.Wichita Falls: Humphrey Printing Co, 1988.

Landrum, Jeff, Reflections Of A Boomtown. Wichita Falls: Humphrey Printing Co. 1982.

Tuttle, Dwight W., Gary W. Boyd, George R. Fosty, Sustaining the Wings: A Fifty-Year History of Sheppard Air Force Base (1941 – 1991) Wichita Falls: Midwestern State University Press, 1991.


Boom Town. Performed by Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1940. DVD.

Government Publication

U.S. Public Health Service, Spanish Influenza: Three Day Fever: The Flu (September 1918), by American Red Cross Southwestern Division, Pamphlet, 28 September 1918.

Internet Sources

Flynn, Alexis, “Oil Revoultion,” Wall Street Journal; 100 Years Legacies: The Lasting Impact of World War I, (accessed 4 March 2015).

Hart, Brian, “WICHITA COUNTY,” Handbook of Texas Online (, accessed March 30, 2015. Uploaded on June 15, 2010. Published by the Texas State Historical Association.

Smith, Julia C., “Wichita County Regular Field,” Handbook of Texas Online, (accessed 3 March 2015).

Texas Almanac, “Extreme Weather Records,” Texas State Historical Association , 30 March 2015).

United State Department Of Labor . “BLS Inflation Calculator,” Bureau Of Labor Statistics, (accessed 29 March 2015).

United State Department Of Labor. “BLS Inflation Calculator,” Bureau Of Labor Statistics, (accessed 4 March 2015).

United State Department Of Labor . “BLS Inflation Calculator,” Bureau Of Labor Statistics, (accessed 29 March 2015).

U.S. Library Of Congress, “Dr. Curtis Atkinson,”  (accessed March 27, 2015).

World Health Organization, “Influenza (Seasonal),” World Health Organization, (accessed March 27 2015).


Daer, Carolyn, Antoni Trilla, and Guillem Trilla, “The 1918 Spanish Flu In Spain,: Clinical Infectious Diseases,” 47(5)(2008): 668-73.

Humpheries, Mark O, “Paths of Infection: The First World War and the Origins of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic,” War In History 21(1)(2013): 55-81.

Lewis, J.O. “Interest in Oil Industry Unprecedented – The Situation,” The Mining Congress Journal 5, [January 1919]: 316 – 317.

Radusin, Milorad, “The Spanish Flu – Part I: the first wave,” Vojnosanitetski Pregled 69(9)(2012): 812-17.

Walton, Peter, “Spanish flu outdid WW I in number of lives claimed,” Canadian Medical Association Journal 148 (11) (June 1993): 2036-7.

Master’s Thesis

Smith, Clint Leland. “A History of Call Aviation Field” MA Thesis., Midwestern State University, 1970.


Used With Permission From The Wichita County Archive
Call Field Airplane, Untitled, Circa 1918. Used With Permission From The Wichita County Archive



This section was authored by Joseph Hadwal