The Call Field Aviation Base printed monthly publications which content included base news and the creative writings of airmen. These pamphlets contained editorials that offered an assortment of recommendations ranging from mechanical guidance to relationship advice. In addition, the airmen published short stories and poetry. Such creative works often reflected the airmen’s passions towards women, war, and existence in between. Although all works would have been subject to censorship by the War Department, these monthly publications illustrate the angst and bewilderment of the airmen as they search for self-identity during the Great War. Initially, these monthly publications were printed under the title of The Call Field Engineer. However, by September 1918 the publication title changes to The Call Field Stabilizer. According to Lieutenant A.G. Williams, editor of The Call Field Engineer, the change in title was intended to bring “the officers and men of Call Field to a better understanding of each other.”[1] The title, The Call Field Engineer, inadequately reflected the efforts of other departments which also contributed to the pamphlets publication. Regarding additional irregularities, the December 1918 publication of The Call Field Stabilizer was much longer than previous prints. Such uniqueness can be attributed to the end of the Great War. The Wichita Daily Times reported that December 1918 issue was “to be well illustrated.”[2] This issue sought to “preserve the…handsome features of the officers, cadets and …outlines of the buildings” for “when perhaps there will be no more camp.” [3] Our project’s goal is to preserve the memory of Call Field and document Wichita Falls and North Texas during the Great War. Included on this website are assorted issues of The Call Field Engineer and The Call Field Stabilizer provided by the Midwestern State University Special Collections Library.
The Call Field Engineer July 15, 1918 Edition 3 ( Below )
The Call Field Engineer August 15, 1918 Edition 4 ( Below )
[1] Engineering Department of the U.S Aviation School at Call Field, The Call Field Engineer, Wichita Falls, Texas (15 July 1917): Table Of Contents.
[2] “Stabilizer For December To Be Well Illustrated,” Wichita Daily Times, 01 December 1918.
[3] Ibid.,
Engineering Department of the U.S. Aviation School at Call Field, The Call Field Engineer, Wichita Falls, Texas, 15 July 1918
Engineering Department of the U.S. Aviation School at Call Field, The Call Field Engineer, Wichita Falls, Texas, 15 August 1918.